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Re: Installing DOS and ATAPI CD probs

On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 homega@vlc.servicom.es wrote:

> Hi,
> I just reinstalled Debian and partitioned /dev/hda and /dev/hdc HDDs into
> various partitions, of which I reserved /dev/hda1 (200MB) for installing
> M$DOS6.x and /dev/hda2 (100MB) for IBM-DOS4.x

 Based on the following paragraph, I assume you meant /dev/hdc1 and hdc2.
> The partition types I used (with cfdisk) were FAT16 (for M$'s) and FAT12
> (for IBM's).  I also ran `mkdosfs -c /dev/hdc1'.  When I reboot with the M$
> DOS first installation diskette, the installation program hangs, and have to
> reboot.  Is it not possible to install DOS in the first partition of a
> secondary master HDD?  or may it be due to cfdisk not making the correct
> type partition and/or mkdosfs not making the right fs?

 From what I understand, no Microsoft product will boot off of anything
but the primary master. (In Linux terms, hda.) No version of Windows will,
for sure. You might be able to convince DOS to do it, if you have LILO
call it.

 Note that DOS must boot from an "active" partition. Linux doesn't care at
all about that, but DOS & Windows are total sticklers. And you can only
have one active partition per drive as I understand it. You may not be
able to boot two different versions of DOS on the same machine...

> Else, since reinstallation the CDROM driver is not working well.  It's and
> OTI-HERMES ATAPI (primary slave) and during installation gave many errors
> like:
> hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0
> hdb: ATAPI reset complete

 I don't have any good ideas here. Check the cables and so forth. Has it
worked with Linux before?


 Ray Ingles       (248) 377-7735    ray.ingles@fanucrobotics.com

 "Every question has a simple, easy-to-understand wrong answer."
                        -H. L. Mencken

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