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Re: Voice Answering Machine (much better)

Martin Bialasinski wrote:

> NC> Feb 13 17:35:20 cavern init: Id "I0" respawning too fast: disabled
> NC> for 5 minutes
> ps ax must show it.
> $ ps ax | grep vboxgetty
>   427  ?  S    0:00 /usr/sbin/vboxgetty -d /dev/ttyI0
> init tries to start it, but there is something wrong, so vboxgetty
> exited and init restarted it. This happend all over, so init disabled
> the entry for 5 minutes.

  I don't have anymore such message.

> You should have a setting like
> port /dev/ttyI0
>   modeminit             ATZ&B512&E<your MSN>
>   user                  martinb
>   group                 martinb
>   spooldir              /var/spool/vbox/martinb
> Maybe you could run /usr/sbin/vboxgetty -d /dev/ttI0 from the
> shell. Perhaps it will give some hint about where the error is.

 At the moment, syslog, sounds fine:

Feb 14 00:22:42 cavern kernel: isdn_tty: call from xxxxxxx , -> RING on ttyI0

 Unfortunally it doesn't get caller ...

  1. Which options should I use on isdnctrl ? Callback !? Define EAZ/MSN !?
  2. It seems the main problem it's on : (vboxgetty-ttyI0.log)

14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> -----------------------[Begin session]----------------------
14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> Running vbox version 2.0.0BETA5...
14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> Tcl interpreter version 8.0...
14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> User nemanuel's messagebox is "/var/spool/vbox/nemanuel"...
14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> User nemanuel's vbox.conf is
14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> Drop permissions to userid 1000; groupid 100...
14-Feb 00:18:31 <I> Initializing modem port (voice mode; 2500 ms)...
14-Feb 00:18:34 <E> Modem returns unneeded command "ERROR".
14-Feb 00:18:34 <W> Bad initialization - Program will exist on 9 trys!
14-Feb 00:18:34 <I> Initializing modem port (voice mode; 2500 ms)...

   I'm doing, modem initialization, just like as you said ! That means my isdn card
doesn't support it !?

  Thanks for your help. Unfortunally I don't understand Deutch documentation .

 Best regards,
      Nuno Carvalho

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
    University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

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