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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #255

At 07:30 PM 2/11/99 -0000, you wrote:

>The problem is that when  I boot (using defualt settings) with the rescue
>disk, it can't detect my SCSI  hard disk. I haven't tried to load Debian
>straight from hard disk, and don't I  want to. The Debian install prints
>the following errors before entering the  install menu. (no particular
>order)   IBM MCA SCSI: No SCSI Atteched
>SCSI: 0  Hosts
>SCSI: Detected total
>Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI  card.   Specs about my PC can be
>found in the attached  text document.    Cheers    Simon Werner

I don't think Linux works with MicroChannel Bus machines.

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