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"Segmentation Fault" error during installation

Hi everyone.

I am a very new Linux enthusiast, and I am trying to intall it for the
first time in a modest second copmuter of mine.

I downloaded the disk images of Debian Linux 2.0  and I am installing it
from the floppy to my modest system (a test/2nd system: Intel 386-25, math
coprocessor, herc mono video, 8MB RAM, 80 MB HD & 40 MB HD, both IDE).  (I
want to learn and experiment in this modest system before I install it on
my pentium II).

I am able to boot from the Rescue disk and start the start the intall
process.  when it gets to the "Partition a Hard Disk" menu and I select
either dev/hda or dev/hdb, it doesnt do anything. it quickly displays
"segmentation fault" and returns to the  "Partition a Hard Disk" menu.  
What is going on?

dev/hda is a IDE drive, MS dos formated, 1 partition
dev/hdb is also IDE, not formated, and DOS Fdisk-ed into 2 partitions (1
for swap, the other for Linux).

I appreciate any help regarding this problem, and any other sugestion you
might have about me experimenting with Linux.

Thank you.


ps: can I run Xfree86 in my modest system?

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