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Re: Netscape segmentation fault

Marie Regine SAPIR wrote:

My bank is driving me crazy... I can't get their online banking
> system with any of the browsers I regularly use (galeon, opera,
> mozilla). They absolutely want Netscape 4.7 (or IE, but that's
> not really an option).

What bank is this? What's the url? Have you complained to them, telling them that you would like support for Opera and Mozilla or a new bank?

Have you tried 'faking it'? There was a thread not too long ago where someone mentioned that you can set the browser tag in Opera so it looks like NS4. The two ways I can think of off of the top of my head for identifying a browser are looking at the browser tag or running javascript to check for some functions. Maybe there is a need for Mozilla to have a 'pretend I'm NS4' mode.


> However, after uninstalling, there's
still lot's of stuff left: the whole directory /usr/lib/netscape/
(pointed to by /usr/bin/X11/netscape -> /etc/alternatives/netscape
-> /usr/lib/netscape/477/communicator/communicator-smotif) is still there...

$ su
Password: # dpkg -P netscape netscape-smotif-477 communicator
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove netscape which isn't installed.
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove netscape-smotif-477 which isn't installed.
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove communicator which isn't installed.

How about purging communicator-smotif as well since that is what your alternatives is pointing too for 'netscape'.


Can someone tell me how I go about reparing Netscape?

Sorry. I don't know if I can help you with that directly. I can give you some pointers on the package management though.

Try dselect or even better aptitude. Use their search features to find all the installed netscape and communicator packages installed and purge them all. Then re-install.

Jacob Anawalt
- Not on the list, following via news.
- I apologize in advance for the missing muttish headers

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