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Re: via-rhine (or rhinefelt) and VT6105/VT6103 driver problems with Debian stable

On 29 Feb 2004 at 13:28, Steven Leach wrote:

> Which Via board are you running?
I believe it is a CL1000
> I have two set up, a CL6000 Dual Lan for my server and an M10000 as a
> little desktop cube.
Aha, you lucky man you!
> Debian 3.0r2 had no problem with the M10000 (single ethernet) using
> the via-rhine driver.  On the dual lan, however, only eth0 was
> recognized.  
Yup, that's my experience now I've realised (mass of egg pulled off 
face and dumped in sink) that the damn LOM was switched off the BIOS 
on the machine - hadn't realised that this could be done in my 
innocence and baffled why the suppliers supplied it like that.

> Upgraded to sid (possibly not necessary but I was planning on it
> anyway) and compiled a 2.6.0-test11 kernel and all was good (oddly
> enough what had been eth0 was now eth1 and the one that had been
> previously unrecognized was now eth0). 
I'm very reluctant to go this way as the machine is my first line 
defence against the internet and so having the Debian security 
upgrades guaranteed adds to my capacity to sleep at night ... hence 
at moment I'm pursuing compiling the latest via-rhine driver module 
from the source code from the Scyld site with some support from Nick 
Jacobs (see separate posting).
> Also, the current sarge/sid installers are unusable with the m10000
> (never tried it with the cl6000 though) but it is no problem since you
> can just dist-upgrade from Woody.  The Woody installer works
> flawlessly.
Hm, I may end up going there I suppose as I'm reluctant to spend over 
100 pounds on a quad port card when I've got the three ports I need 
already in principle!  (Though thanks to others for excellent advice 
on those opitions).  May come back to this yet though.

Thanks Steven and everyone else,

PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
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Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle
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