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Re: Lightweight Alternative to Mozilla-Firebird

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 21:24:29 -0500
"S.D.A." <dallan@rogers.com> wrote:

> It's been some time since I last used Sylpheed, but one can set specific
> reply-to behaviours for each mail directory. For a GUI client Sylpheed
> isn't too bad -- Too bad it isn't a threaded client though. I disliked
> the fact that one couldn't read mail, while it was initiating a
> connection. Geez even Mozilla does that.
> -- 
> Stephen

Hi Stephen, when you say it isn't threaded, are you referring just to the fact that the messages in each thread aren't displayed together? If so, the default view in Sylpheed here is threaded. If you're referring to something different, then I'm not sure  :-)

And from what I can see so far, it should be able to check mail while I'm reading it as well, but I'll tell you after I've used it for a bit.

And, by the way, this is the first message I've sent to the list using Sylpheed, so we'll see how it looks!


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