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Re: Lightweight Alternative to Mozilla-Firebird

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David P James" <dpjames@rogers.com>
To: <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 3:34 AM
Subject: Re: Lightweight Alternative to Mozilla-Firebird

> There's Skipstone, but for some reason it does not appear to be in the
> Debian repository anymore, which is unfortunate since it appears to be
> what you're after - Gecko rendering, uses gtk without Gnome and without
> all the XUL overhead of Firefox and Mozilla. It also has a decent slate
> of modern browsing features - tabbed browsing, bookmark toolbar,
> downloading via wget, configuration of mail handlers, etc. It may have
> been removed since there have been no apparent updates since June 2002
> - just a few months before Phoenix (now Firefox) was first released...
> http://www.muhri.net/skipstone/
> -- 
> David P James
> Ottawa, Ontario
> http://david.jamesnet.ca
Hi David,

Skipstone does look good, but it does look like it's a little out of
development at the moment. There's no news or anything since then, so maybe
the developer's had a lack of interest or something.

Oh well, looks like I'll have to stick with a combination of dillo and
firebird at this stage as I really don't like the look and feel of Opera at

Thanks for the mention though, I'll keep it in the back of my mind if it
ever enters redevelopment.


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