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Re: How to get more info about courier-pop "login failed"

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 13:53, Thomas Carrié wrote: 
> Hi,
> I've just setup a courier-pop server on a woody server.
> I attempt to log with the plaintext scheme, I have an answer from the 
> server "Login Failed".
> Where can I find more information on the server about why the login has 
> failed ?
> server:/var/log# tail -f mail.log
> Feb 23 19:05:14 server courierpop3login: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
> Feb 23 19:05:19 server courierpop3login: LOGIN FAILED, 
> ip=[::ffff:]
> doesn't help.
> Is there a debug mode that print everything courier-pop is doing ?

No. Courier's logs are absolutely useless with respect to debugging. Its
pretty annoying.

You may want to check your mysql logs to determine if the db is actually
being queried. If not, try going through your authmysqlrc config file
and verifying that there are no trailing spaces on any lines. It's
stupid, but that can cause problems.


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