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Re: Kernel compile blues

Miroslav Maiksnar wrote:
cd /usr/src/linux/
make menuconfig
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision <revision> --append_to_version -<appendix> \
cd ..

It is IMHO better to add option '--config menu' to second make-kpkg
command and do not use `make menuconfig` (it will prevent some warnings
when changing <appendix> or <revision>). And also you can add
'modules-image' after kernel-image to compile external modules (nvidia,
slmodem, etc.).

You are right. I just kept the first working approach, which does not
mean an "RTFM again" could not yield better results. Thanks for the

Personally, I do not use --revision, because (AFAIK) kernels with same
version and appendix but different revision number cannot be installed
at same time.

I use --revision to store information about the Kernel package;
--append_to_version also has a revision number, which is raised
on every Kernel build. (There's a wrapper script around that which
automatically downloads the Kernel source for new versions, etc.)

So when you compile and install new (invalid) kernel, it
deinstalls old (working) one and you loose possibility to boot old
kernel. Instead I use "<hostname>-<revision>" as <appendix>

Our hostnames tend to be quite long, and for a machine park it would
not be an option to compile Kernels individually. But <appendix>
contains a revision number, indeed.

So my favorite commandline is:

make-kpkg clean && time make-kpkg --config menu \
--append-to-version -<hostname>-<revision> kernel_image modules_image

Thanks again.

PS: If I am wrong about something, let me know.

No, you are right. TMTOWTDI for the latter, but then I may be wrong
about my approach also.

Bye, Kai

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