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Re: empty tty's

On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 01:08:23PM +0100, Ernest Adrogué wrote:
> When I switch from one tty to another with Alt + left/right
> arrow, it cycles through tty7 to tty12 (which are empty) instead

Looks like something or someone has activated those ttys.  Review you
/etc/inittab, and/or /etc/init.d scripts. lsof(1) might be of some help,

> of going from tty6 directly to tty1, which would be more useful.
> Oddly enough, when I start X11 and exit, then it skips the
> empty tty's. Does anybody know how to do this by default?

Strange.  I used to use cron(8) + deallocvt(1) to get rid of blank
consoles once.


Jan Minar                   "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 9

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