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apt-mir script.

I want to install a testing kernel on a stable i386 system, that does not
have network yet. I can copy the debs to a cd, create a file apt
repository, and just use apt-get to install the additional packages, like

I tried using apt-move to do this, but I was to dumb to figure it out.

Download necessary packages to update stable kernel to testing kernel.
Create repository structure.
mkdir /tmp/kernel-update/testing/dists/
Create package listing.

Copy to cd.
Stick in target system.
update /etc/apt/source.list to include new apt source.
mount cd
apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.22-1-i686

Tada, or thats the idea...

My /etc/apt/sources.list entry for the simple repository I create:
deb file:/tmp/cdrom testing main

Then the script I use to copy debs from existing archive to my repository
I am creating.

#!/usr/bin/make -f
        mkdir -p ${M}
        cp  ${src}/*.deb ${M}
        cd  ${M}; \
        dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages
        cd ${M}; \
        gzip -9 -f Packages -c > Packages.gz
        chmod +r * ${M}

The problem I am encountering is that apt-scanpackages is not creating the
correct pathname....when I run it like such,
it updates correctly but the Packages does not have the correct filename.
It needs a full filename and not a referential.
I tried to understand from apt-scanpackages but couldn't figure it out.
Any ideas?
Documentation mentions stuff, and I tried this:

cd /tmp/cdrom/dists/testing; /
dpkg-scanpackages main/binary-i386 [/tmp/cdrom/dists/testing/main/]

Doesn't like that command, and other commands I attempted.
Just running it like such dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages
does not include the full path.
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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