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Re: Debian Package Finder, where? SUCCESS !!

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:30:07 -0600
Bill Goudie <bgoudie@mail.com> wrote:

BG> On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 01:26:22AM +0000, Chema wrote:
BG> > Anyway, apt-file works nice, but "zgrep file Contents-i386.gz"
BG> > works better! (note to apt-* developers: I'm still waiting... ;-).
BG> >  Thanks
BG> > people.
BG> Uh? No difference -- this is what apt-file does.  Download and
BG> zgrepping Contents-<arch>.gz is only useful because
BG> packages.debian.org is unavailable and apt-file was uninstallable.

Of course there is difference: apt-file (and any other apt-*, I think) uses quotemeta in your pattern, effectively disabling the use of regular expressions, so it just does a substring search.  With zgrep (and any other grep, I think ;-), of course you can use regexps.

Also, you don't really need packages.deb, since you can install from any mirror.

Regular expressions are a genial invention, even bigger than autocompletion.  I would like to see them in google, in bash cmd line expantion, in my local bookstore and market (like "buy /big.*chocolate/ ;-), and apt-*!

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