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Re: apt-get/dselect - network *or* CDs

On Sun, Jul 06, 2003 at 10:03:07AM -0400, Kenneth Jacker wrote:
> I've tried to find an answer to this by reading and searching the
> net, but no luck.
> I created the "sources.list" file with network entries followed by CD
> entries. Ideally, I'd like this setup to access one of the specified
> network mirrors if I'm connected to the Internet.  On the other hand,
> if I'm not connected by either PPP or Ethernet, I'd like to use the
> installation CDs.
> Is this possible?
> As a much less desirable "work around", I tried having two secondary
> files -- one with the network entries and another with the CD ones --
> one of which is symbolic linked to "sources.list".  The problem with
> that is when I use the network info, all the data from the seven CDs
> "goes away" (requiring a rescan of all CDs next time I use *them*).
> Thanks for any ideas!

There's no easy solution to this that I know of.  If you have the
diskspace, you could just copy the contents of this CDs to your hard
disk, and then get packages from there, but that would require a few GB
of space.

Another solution might be to duplicate /var/lib/apt/ (and
/etc/apt/sources.list) to /var/lib/apt.cdrom/ and /var/lib/apt.net/ and
then symlink /var/lib/apt/ (and your sources.list) to which ever is
appropriate at the time.  I've never tried this, so test it carefully
before you rely on it, and KEEP BACKUPS.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org> | mlspam@ertius.org  |  Do I look like I want a CC?
Words of the day:                     fissionable NWO Pope SEAL Team 6 Sundevil

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