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fetchmail and port forwarding

I'm in the process of setting up port forwarding to bypass my spam-crazy
ISP. I've got everything working, but I'd like to try putting the port
forwarding information into .fetchmailrc.

Right now I run from the command line:
	ssh my.mail.host -L 8025:localhost:25
works great. Except I now have a terminal window that I can't close.

suggests forking ssh into the background with the following:
	ssh -C -f popserver -L 11110:popserver:110 sleep 5
does this mean that I'm doing port forwarding for 5 seconds?

The next page of the tutorial suggests that I can hook up fetchmail to do
the port forwarding by using "preconnect":
        preconnect "ssh -C -f msingh@popserver -L 11110:popserver:110 sleep 5"
		password foobar;

This doesn't seem to work for me though.

I checked through the fetchmail reference pages, but it doesn't have an
example of what I'm trying to do.

I'd like to be able to have fetchmail set up my OUTGOING SMTP port

Here are my config files:
poll mailbox41.utcc.utoronto.ca
       user 'ej.hogbin' there with password '*****' is 'ej.hogbin' fetchall 
preconnect "ssh -f home.samurai.com -L 8025:localhost:25 sleep 1000"
password *****; 

poll mailbox.samurai.com
      user 'emmajane' there with password '******' is 'emmajane' fetchall

poll mercury.senecac.on.ca
       user 'emmajane.hogbin' there with password '******' is 'emmajane.hogbin' fetchall 

poll mailbox.samurai.com
    user 'veela1' there with password '*******' is 'emmajane' fetchmail

And the output:
emmajane@debian:~$ fetchmail
emmajane@home.samurai.com's password: 
fetchmail: Authorization failure on ej.hogbin@mailbox41.utcc.utoronto.ca
fetchmail: Query status=3 (AUTHFAIL)
fetchmail: No mail for emmajane at mailbox.samurai.com
fetchmail: No mail for emmajane.hogbin at mercury.senecac.on.ca
fetchmail: No mail for veela1 at mailbox.samurai.com

But I don't want to have to enter my password....

Thoughts on how to get this to work would be much appreciated. :)


Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]

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