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(half-solved) Re: Compiling kernel with patches

 Okay, it seems to work:

- I had a PATCH_KERNEL=YES in my compilation script, instead of 
- Anyway, it did not work anymore, whatever the value of --added-patches 
on the command line.
- The debianlogo patch can be applied and un-applied without any problem, 
and it compiles. (For some unknown reason, sometimes it failed, when 
applying or unapplying... I had to re-untar the source to reverse the 
 - The 'right' solution is to add 'patch_the_kernel=YES' in 
/etc/kernel-pkg.conf. Now the patch is automatically unapplied in a 
'make-kpkg clean', and applied when compiling.

 The real question for me is why '--added-patches=debianlogo' is not 
enough. Is it some typo too obvious to be seen ?

nice -n 19 make-kpkg --append-to-version=$VERS --revision $2 
--added-patches=$PATCHES kernel_image

 (And I have now to see if ALL patches are now applied or now, and if 
debianlogo is ok with a 2.4.21. )

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
"I called Linus at home to fix a problem on the latest kernel and he
just hung up on me. Called back and got the answering machine. Bad
tech support for sure."
 Anonymous Coward, Slashdot, 01 May 2001

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