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Re: Where to set moz GUI font?

Thanks to Benedict Verheyen and Andrew Schulman for their answers.
I wonder what I am doing wrong, because both methods work only
partially in my case (Sarge system + mozilla from Sid!). The
results were as follows:

a) the .gtkrc approach: this changes the fonts in, e.g.,
   gtk-gnutella, but has no effect on mozilla 1.3.
b) the userChrome.css approach: this changes the font-size in
   mozilla alright, but not the font-family. The font-family (in
   moz 1.3) is determined by the setting in Edit/Preferences/
   Appearance/Fonts, and then whatever is selected as
   "Proportional". So if I select "proportional=sans-serif",
   and "sans-serif=trebuchet", then the GUI font becomes

So, there seems to be some mix-up in moz 1.3 between the "GUI" and
the "content". Is this a bug? Am I the only one to experience his?

Regards, Jan

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