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Re: Order of identifying filesystems for "auto"

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 15:48, Stephen Gran wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Mark L. Kahnt said:
> > I haven't touched this the past couple of kernels, so it may have
> > changed, but another thread reminded me of this problem. I deal with
> > diskettees at times from a variety of operating systems, including
> > MacOS, OS/2, and vfat. As such, I'd thought the sensible move would be
> > to specify "auto" as the filesystem in /etc/fstab, and let it pick out
> > what to use. Well, it works fine for Minix and MacOS, and FAT
> > filesystems, but when it comes to vfat, well, it sees FAT first, and
> > goes with it to the exclusion of its nominally more powerful
> > counterpart.
> > 
> > Is there a way, other than rewriting the code for mount, to have it look
> > that little bit more to see if the freshly found FAT volume is aactually
> > vfat, or have I been fortunate and that is already done and I should
> > just try it again?
> Try `cat /proc/filesystems` - that's the order that your kernel searches
> for any mount with auto in the filesystem type field.  This can be
> overridden by creating a file /etc/filesystems with the order you want.
> cp /proc/filesystems /etc/filesystems ; $EDITOR /etc/filesystems
> HTH,

Helps perfectly - Thanx

Now if only I could rewrite the hpfs support to read long file names
from "ea data. sf" files on FAT diskettes, in addition to the 100+ other
non-trivial programming projects I'd like to undertake ;)
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935
Email: kahnt@hosehead.dyndns.org

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