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Re: Java compilation error: what is missing?

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 02:56:16PM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:

| ii  jdk1.1         1.1.8v1-3      JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit) - Runtime o

|     [javac] /usr3/home/olly/mypackages/pg7.cvs/pgsql/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/po
| stgresql/Connection.java:805: Method setProperty(java.lang.String, 
| java.lang.String) not found in class java.util.Properties.
|     [javac] 	    info.setProperty("user", PG_USER);
|     [javac] 	                    ^
|     [javac] /usr3/home/olly/mypackages/pg7.cvs/pgsql/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/po
| stgresql/Connection.java:806: Method setProperty(java.lang.String, 
| java.lang.String) not found in class java.util.Properties.
|     [javac] 	    info.setProperty("password", PG_PASSWORD);
|     [javac] 	                    ^
|     [javac] 2 errors

Those methods were added in Java2 (jdk >= 1.2).  Install the j2sdk1.3
package from blackdown.org instead and see if that helps.  The newer
the JVM the better it is, usually.  For an apt line you can use this :

deb ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian/ woody non-free


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