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Re: [OT] NFS question

Steve Kowalik wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 12:04:02AM -0500, Hall Stevenson uttered:
> > When they're not mounted, they're both owned by hall.users. When they're
> > mounted, they're owned by amy.hall.
> >
> > amy and hall are both users on the system. The group "users" exists also
> > and hall is a member of it.
> >
> What is happening here is, when mount points are exported over NFS, NFS
> doesn't munge the UID/GID flags on the file. So, when you ls the files, ls
> happily performs a UID lookup on it, which corresponds to a different user on
> the system that the filesystem is being exported to.

So what you would want is: same userID and same groupID on server and


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

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