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hi everyone --

i fear i did something stupid.

i wanted to try and see how good linux games actually work, so i
downloaded the unreal tournament installer from loki, copied the cds to my
windows hard disk (because i didn't have support for joliet extension in
linux) and well...installed, which seemed to work fine. i then tried to
start, but got some error messages because of missing paths, which didn't
look very serious really. but then i restarted...on boot up, there were a
lot of errors found on the hard disk and thus, the root system was mounted
read-only and i was prompted to run fsck manually. i did that and answered
yes to the questions (i realise now that i maybe shouldn't have done that)
and it seemed as if everything had been fixed, for on the next reboot
everything worked fine...all my scripts were executed and i ended up in
gdm and wanted to log in...but that didn't work. i switched over to the
console and tried to log in from there. no way. "login incorrect" is what
i get for all my user accounts and for the root account too! i am
desperate...i need to get back into my system! on the one hand i put weeks
and weeks into configuring and customizing everything and on the other
hand all my important data are in there...please, please help me...the
loki support people have not answered me yet and i am on the verge of

oh yes, my system is debian woody (with a few things from sid) with kernel
2.4.5...i don't know what else to say. :-(

thanks all!


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