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Re: OT vim/uptime

will trillich <will@serensoft.com> wrote:
>will      2945  0.2  1.0  2588 1356 pts/1    S    Jun22  18:08 vi inv/show.mc
>so, what's the record for cpu time on a single vim session?

Ah, you see, we'll easily be beaten by emacs users here, as they have to
leave their editor going in case they die of boredom as it starts up ...
we can start a new editor session for every couple of files without
having to go off and make dinner in between.

</troll> ;)

>Looking to ENCODE OR DECODE SOME ROT-13 TEXT? No problem.
>"Vg'f rnfl jvgu Ivz." It's a simple alphabet substitution where
>each letter changes to its counterpart 13 places away in the
>alphabet (a<->n, g<->t, etc) . Open the text in Vim, then
>select it (type "v" at one end of the text to encode/decode,
>then move to the other end) and then type "g?".
>  Or, to rot-13 a whole line, just "g??".  That's all!
>(Try ":help g?" for more info.)

Cool, I learn something new about vim every day ...

Drifting rapidly sideways onto the topic of things learnt today, one of
my workmates pointed out readline's (and hence bash's) Ctrl-O keystroke,
the default binding for operate-and-get-next. Try typing a sequence of
commands, going back in your history to the start of the sequence, and
then hitting Ctrl-O several times.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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