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Re: subject missing on some

Mike Egglestone wrote:

hi all...

I'm using outlook express to check my mail...

Some of the emails don't show the subject ...

Anyone else having this problem?

Its probably my email server or my client machine...



If you mean that you are recieving some emails from the Debian-User list that don't have subject lines, we all get a few of them, but that's because the sender fails to put in a subject line, a practice that is likely to get their email ignored rather than getting them the help they seek (a non-descriptive subject line, such as "Help me" is also likely to be ignored by many list members).

And while I'm on the subject of list netiquette (for anyone reading over your shoulder), I believe it's proper to put your reply at the bottom of the previous message instead of at the top, so that as the thread grows, it's easy to jump in in the middle and be able to figure out what's been said when.
/End of RANT

If you're getting a lot of emails without subject lines (say, 10% or more of the list traffic), something's wrong on your end.


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