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Re: Gnome Packages annoyances

Try reportbug.  This is not the only debian bug report tool, but it
seemed the right choice for me, and works pretty well.  The only
problem is that it sometimes takes quite awhile for it to query the
existing bug database; I'm not sure why.  It's often much slower than
getting the same info on the web, so it's not the speed of the server
that's the problem.

It automatically fills in your system info, the versions of all
relevant packages, and shows you a list of existing bugs.

I ran into a lot of problems with files owned by several gnome
packages a couple of weeks ago.  I believe they all stem from
differences between the Debian and Ximian packages.  These are
probably aggravated by version mismatches.  Since ximian no longer
claims to support woody, I commented them out of my apt sources.list.
Since then things have been calm.  It did require a bit of ugliness
(forcing installs and removing a couple of packages) to get past the

Others have advocated removing all Ximian (aka Helix) packages.  Since
this would temporarily remove much of my system, and since some key
packages aren't in woody (e.g., sawmill), I took a less radical

Things may have changed since I looked into it.

On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 12:07:23PM +0200, Preben Randhol wrote:
> "Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> wrote on 06/05/2001 (11:34) :
> > If it's a Debian package (e.g.:  not Ximian), file a Debian bug.
> Yes, but why isn't this problem picked up by the package process before
> the package gets out there? 
> And for bug report it would be great if there was a program out there
> that could automate the bug reporting process for you a bit more.
> Bug-buddy is getting there, but as far as I have seen, I have not found
> something similar for Debian. I mean it would be great if the program
> insured that all important details about the system gets included and
> leave the user to write up the bug report in a minute in stead of ten or
> more...
> -- 
> Preben Randhol ---------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --

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