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Re: Sendmail bug still biting

On Sun, 6 May 2001, Michelle Murrain wrote:

> when I try to run newaliases, and also my aliases aren't working, and my mail
> logs are full of errors like this.
> I read about bug 94103, where the new libdb2 breaks sendmail.
> It appears that this bug is resolved - Its not listed as active, and in
> reading the bug tracking messages it seems to have been closed.
> I *just* (5 minutes ago) did an apt-get update/apt-get dist-upgrade. (I've
> done several in the last week, and the bug is still with me.
> So what am I doing wrong, and/or how can I fix this???

Please try
 0) make sure you have db3 installed
 1) rm /etc/mail/aliases.db
 2) newaliases
Rick Nelson
Actually, typing random strings in the Finder does the equivalent of
filename completion.
	-- Discussion on file completion vs. the Mac Finder

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