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Re: ipchains packets logs get displayed on active tty (SOLVED)

Lindsay Allen wrote:
> Thank you, thank you.
> I just checked to see if you had filed a bug report and found that the bug
> (and the fix) had been filed 11 days ago.
> One good thing about this bug is that all those console messages about my
> ipchains REJECTs and DENYs resulted in a better firewall.
> But why did it affect (apparently) only a handful of people?
> Lindsay
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Lindsay Allen   <allen@cleo.murdoch.edu.au>    Perth, Western Australia
> voice +61 8 9316 2486, 0403 272 564   32.0125S 115.8445E   Debian Linux
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> --
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It happened to me too.
First I thought I've solved it, but I had for testing purposes deleted
the log parameter.

I made a dirty upgrade from stable to unstable. Just changing the source
path and running dselect.
Maybe that caused this behaver.

Thanks to Miquel it is solved.


Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria

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