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Re: can't install debian after freebsd?

On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 09:16:59PM +0800, fg007@mail1.sjtu.edu.cn wrote:
> normal                               debian installing program
> /dev/hda1 -------------------------->/dev/hda1
> /dev/hda2(freebsd)------------------??????????
> /dev/hda3
> /dev/hda5----------------------------->/dev/hda8
> /dev/hda6----------------------------->/dev/hda9
Yep.  I think I saw similar thing at one point.  That made me zap my
FreeBSD and installed another Linux :-)

I thought Linus fdisk and kernel numbered these extended partitions/BSD
slice in different order, if I remember correct.  I do not even remember
that was RH or debian.

By the way, tool to hide free BSD partition?  I think "fdisk" on Debian
boot/root disk should be the one.  If you use IDEPCI disk set, it
requires 2 disks to boot Linus. (This is not interesting.)

Well that is not real solution.  Some boot loader has hiding feature for
stupid DOS/WIN.  They may be able to use it or hacked for this end.

GRUB may do this. (After all GNU official swiss army booter)

GAG had some self configuration but I forgot all. (Cute graphical boot
manager, self contained in boot sector only)

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki <debian@aokiconsulting.com>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference, http://www.aokiconsulting.com/quick/    +

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