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Re: speedup nvidia?


I did the nvidia thing yesterday without to many problems:

I used the 'debian-way' installed:
nvidia-glx-src and nvidia-kernel-src
Followed the instructions in:

I got nvidia-glx_0.9.769-1_i386.deb and nvidia-kernel-2.4.4_0.9.769-1_i386.deb which I installed.

Next step - in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 - I now have:
Section "Device"
  Identifier      "Generic Graphics Device"
  Driver "nvidia"
  Option "NvAgp" "1"

orca:~#  cat /proc/nv/card0
----- Driver Info ----- 
NVRM Version: 1.0-769
------ Card Info ------
Model:        Riva TNT2
IRQ:          11
------ AGP Info -------
AGP status:   Enabled
AGP Driver:   NVIDIA
Bridge:       AMD Irongate
SBA:          Supported [disabled]
FW:           Unsupported [disabled]
Rates:        2x 1x  [2x]
Registers:    0x0f000203:0x00000102

Sofar no problems.


PS: Actually I had the added benefit that the screen now fits perfectly to my display - or is it the display that fits to the screen?.

Karsten Bolding
Via Adda 31                             Phone: +39 0332 225090
I-21100 Varese(VA) - Italy              E-mail: karsten@bolding.net

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