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Re: Work-needing packages report for May 4, 2001

On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 12:22:01AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> > And anybody who thinks wget is a good replacement for snarf hasn't read
> > http://www.xach.com/snarf/comparison-table.php3  8^)
> I hope that's a joke, because, based _solely_ on that comparison table, the
> reason one should use snarf over wget is because it has a cool progressbar. I'd
> rather have the recursive download support that wget has and snarf lacks.. I'll
> take a look at snarf, anyway, it might be nicer than wget here and there.

Yes, that was mostly a joke, though the much smaller file size is nice.
But snarf still is my first choice for such a program.

I don't know that I'll end up adopting the package, though.  From the
changelog & control file it looks like somebody else already tried to
adopt it, and made an upload, though they never sent an ITA or closed
the wnpp bug.  How annoying.


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