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Re: Mutt, unnoticed new mail and improper access/change times

Quoting Carel Fellinger (cfelling@iae.nl):
> Yep, that seems to be the tradition in Open Software Circles anyway,
> so be my guest:)  I improved a bit on that recepy (better locking):

>         | cat >>$FOLDER && touch -m -d "next sec" $FOLDER

Thanks - I've had to modify it slightly for a Sun because touch isn't
so clever, and it becomes either

cat >>$BOX && sleep 2 && touch -m $BOX

or, better locking but much worse looking,

cat >>$BOX && env TZ=EST touch -m -t `date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S` $BOX

where EST is anywhere west of here.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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