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Re: vi - wraplen found

Rino Mardo <helixfish@gmx.net> wrote:
>Well I found the "set wraplen" feature I was talking about in another
>thread and I checked on what vi clone I'm using.  I'm using nvi which I
>was not aware of since I've been using Debian. <G>
>Well I think "nvi" is more close to the historical "vi" than "vim" or
>others. Someone correct me if I'm wrong as looking at vim it seems it's
>bloated and it doesn't feel "vi"-like.

*shrug* Depends what you like. I have to use all sorts of random vi
clones at work. The ones on the various commercial Unices are pretty
much original vi, and while I can use them well enough for simple tasks
like configuration file editing they'd drive me nuts for programming and
message editing. Multi-level undo, for one, is a must; syntax
highlighting is pleasant though not essential; I've got into the habit
of using cursor keys from time to time; and reformatting with 'gq' is
quite useful. However, I like the vi command set in general.

Oh, and vim is not bloated, especially if you ignore the vim-rt package
that gives you syntax highlighting and all the rest of it:

  [cjw44@riva ~]$ dpkg -p nvi | grep '^Installed-Size:'
  Installed-Size: 584
  [cjw44@riva ~]$ dpkg -p vim-tiny | grep '^Installed-Size:'
  Installed-Size: 516
  [cjw44@riva ~]$ dpkg -p vim | grep '^Installed-Size:'
  Installed-Size: 696

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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