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Re: gnome-name-service

On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 07:55:45PM -0500, Chris Gray wrote:
> >>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin C Smith <smithkevinc@nettaxi.com> writes:
>     Kevin> Issue: Every web browser I use will lock up X hard and
>     Kevin> requires hitting reset.  They lock up not all the time, but
>     Kevin> enough to be annoying. I may have stumbled into the
>     Kevin> problem, but not certain. So, heres the question:
>     Kevin> What is gnome-name-server?
> It is an object broker.  No I don't really know what that means.
> Basically what it means is that whenever a gnome app wants an object,
> they ask the gnome-name-server for it.
>     Kevin> What does it do? There is not a man page. The net seems to
>     Kevin> lack much info also.
> I think if you look for gnorba or corba on the web you should find
> something. 
>     Kevin> Could gnome-name-server be the source of the about problem?
> Not your web browser problem.  That sounds like a general lack of
> memory problem.  I have the same problem with 32 MB.  My solutions
> include not running a resource intensive window manager (I use
> blackbox) and monitoring the memory usage with the very cool program
> wmmon.  When I see that memory is getting low, I get out of Netscape
> asap.

Yes, it is related to CORBA. Found that out a few hours ago.

It is not a lack of memory problem. I run icewm with 256 MB of RAM.
I have plently of unused memory and swap to work with.

I guess the web browser problem could be DNS related, but I wouldn't know
how to find out. I vow not to give up though.


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