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Re: Sis620 video support.

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000, Rogelio E. Castillo Haro wrote:

> Nobody knows about Sis620 support on potato. It's a chipset onboard a
> motherboard.
> I download a xsis.tgz file fron sis.com.tw site, but following the
> instructions when I run startx it saids Can not execute a binary file.
> An I follow the instructions!

As far as I know (I have a SiS 630), support for this chipset is built in
the SVGA xserver, no need for xsis. So use that xserver, don't use any
hardware acceleration options, and things should work.
(This chipset is very good, but there is lack of support for it in X. Its
performance in X is ridiculous compared to what it's capable of in
Windows. A shame, but I can't help, as I'm not a programmer myself.)
A better place for questions like this, if things don't work out, would be
the xfree86 newbie list. You can find directions on xfree86.org.


If you analyse anything, you destroy it.
		-- Arthur Miller

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