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Re: CVS / NFS problems

>>>>> "Dahiroc," == Dahiroc, Patrick <PDahiroc@ARMILLAIRE.com> writes:

    Dahiroc,> hi all i'm having a cvs problems.  when i try to make a
    Dahiroc,> tag i get the error: cvs tag: nothing known about
    Dahiroc,> .nfs35FE cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above error
    Dahiroc,> first!

    Dahiroc,> i looked for .nfs35FE but it doesn't exist.  how do i
    Dahiroc,> correct an error that doesn't exist.

My quick and dirty guess is that this file some how appears in
CVS/entries (perhaps you entered a command like "cvs add .*" and
didn't release you were also adding NFS temp files too).

Try "cvs update .nfs35FE". Check to see if you what the status of the
file is. Hopefully it is only created, and hasn't been checked in.

In any case, "cvs delete .nfs35FE" might be want you need.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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