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Re: Is there OCR for Linux ?

On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 10:30:47AM +0200, bounce-debian-user=egm2=jps.net@lists.debian.org wrote:
> Hi all, I have this (hard) problem:
> 	ancient greek (on paper!)	------>   ASCII	    ------->
> 	braille for blind people
> Then my question: There is an OCR software for Linux that recognize
> the old greek chars ?  Please help me!  Thanks.

Well, a quick search of freshmeat showed at least 3 OCR programs in
development stages, but none had a stable release.

However, I don't see how you get from ancient Greek to ASCII without
actually translating the text.  Perhaps you already have a program to do
that?  Definitely worthy, if somewhat specialized.  Hmm, that'd be a
good candidate for a government grant program (to write the free

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