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Re: Threads and mysql

Error 11 is EGAIN (which means Try Again which generally means there was
an attempt to allocate some resource which had run out at the time).
There could be numerous reasons why mysql can't run more than 256
processes, e.g. because the threads share a single file descriptor table
and they're all trying to open too many files. You might want to run it
under strace to see what the last thing it did was before it exited with
an error.

George Chavdarov wrote:

>  Hi allhave following problembox is debian/linux kernel 2.2.17pre6
> with mysql 3.22.32and it seem to impossible to have more than 256
> processes of mysqlerror iserror(11) this is specific OS errorany
> ideas George Chavdarov
> System Administrator - www.dir.bg

Jens B. Jorgensen

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