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Re: StarOffice5.2 install

I believe you need to chmod it for an executable first?

>>> Nicole Zimmerman <colby@wsu.edu> 07/24/00 05:02PM >>>
In linux, you just 
./so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin (from that dir)

and it runs an extracter/installer. 

There are installation instructions on the SO website, also, but that's
just about all it says.


> http://tzo.linux.tucows.com/x11html/adnload/019-010-009-004_4144.html 
> At this point my only internet access is via Lose 98. That will
> change shortly.  So, I used IE4, clicked on the Linux SO 5.2
> download link. What I got was a 61 MB file file named
> so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin
> I was expecting a tar.gz file. Windows says it is a "bin file"-- not
> very informative.
> What is this beast and how do I use it? 

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