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Re: pgp_encryptself in Mutt 1.2i and pgp5

* Sven Burgener <svenb@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 09:35:02PM +0200, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
> > Dear list, since I have upgraded Mutt to 1.2i, I get an error
> > when Mutt reads the .muttrc on the command: set
> > pgp_encryptself.
> Pardon my ignorance, but does pgp_encryptself cause all mails
> to be encrypted?

IIRC, this decrypts all mails you encrypted with PGP or GPG that
go to your sent-mails (or whatever) folder.

Erik, have a look at the appropriate file for your PGP-version in

For example, contrib/pgp2.txt says:

# Note: In order to be able to read your own messages, you'll have
# the +encrypttoself command line parameter to the pgp_encrypt_only_command
# and pgp_encrypt_sign_command variables.

> How did you put a folder like sent-items to use? That's what I
> *want*, too. :)

set record=/your/outgoing/mailbox/goes/here

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