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Desperately looking for help with a PCMCIA SCSI card!

Dear sirs,

first of all, beg your pardon for the dramatical subject of this e-mail
;-), but I'm really desperated. My problem:

I have an ASUS F7400 Laptop (a.k.a. ASUS Grandio Laptop). I have
installed Debian 2.2 (a.k.a. Potato). I have a PCMCIA SCSI Card: Adaptec
SlimSCSI 1480A Cardbus (Adaptec APA-1480 SCSI Host Adapter). I am still
trying to make it work under Potato. When I insert the card in any
socket, I always receive the following message:

aic7xxx: <Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI controller> at PCI 35/0/0
aic7xxx: I/O ports already in use, ignoring.
scsi : 0 hosts.

I can't imagine why the I/O ports are already in use. Well, let's tell
the whole story.

I install kernel-source-2.2.15 package and also the PCMCIA source. I
compiled both the kernel and modules with make-kpkg (kernel-package).
After installing the .deb packages, I tried to make the PCMCIA card work
and I got the messages above. Yes, both cb_enabler and apa1480_cb are
charged in memory (lsmod). I have repeated this process as much as five
times (of course, selecting SCSI support in kernel, but choosing no SCSI
low-level adapter). Desperated, I have purged all 2.2.15 stuff (source,
image, modules, etc.) and I have installed (today) the 2.2.17
kernel-image (potato) and the corresponding PCMCIA modules. Okay, let's
give us a chance! ;-(( No, the same error messages. I have read the
whole PCMCIA HOWTO, checking if the config.opts defines a large enough
IO memory range and ... ¡yes! Everything seems to be okay, but my card
is still not working! A colleague of mine has the same laptop. He
installed Mandrake and ... the same card is perfectly working in his
system. I have checked the config files in the Mandrake and it seems the
same as in my Debian system. Where the error is? Must I have to install
Mandrake? ... No, ¡never! ;-)

Please, anybody can help me? I have already posted this message in the
spanish users list (a week ago) and I got no answer to my problem. I
have just suscribed to this list as the last chance to make the card
work. And ... some more info: the card works fine in the Windoze also
installed in my lapton. It reports:

IRQ=11; Memory=06020000-06020FFF; I/O port=1000-10FF;

Of course I have checked all of this in /proc/interrupts and
/proc/ioports. Concretely the I/O port range is not in use. Thank you
very much in advance for your help and patience.

Best regards,

P.S.: By the way, someone can tell me how to use the kernel-package
(make-kpkg) to configure the PCMCIA modules? I have tried make-kpkg
modules_config and it didn't work. Well, I am trying to build the
"trusted" versions for cardctl, etc. and there is no way of achieving
this with make-kpkg. Have I to return to the "old-style" stuff (you
know, make dep; make clean; make bzlilo, etc.)?


JUAN CARLOS AMENGUAL                    Treasure the moments
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I                     touched with joy,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA             but remember the moments
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI          tarnished and stained.
Phone: +34 964 728361                   Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
Fax: +34 964 728435                     - "Wake", The First Chapter, 1986/87,
e-mail: jcamen@inf.uji.es                               Phonogram -


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