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Re: Bug#929128: fonts-noto-cjk: not recognized by lualatex until mktexlsr


> (2) Run lualatex with the below LaTeX source and have error
> "Package fontspec Error: The font "NotoSerifCJKJPLight" cannot be found."

Yes, because luatexja preloads all the fonts defined in the noto-otf
    mc-m =  Noto~Serif~CJK~JP~Regular,
    mc-bx = Noto~Serif~CJK~JP~Bold,
    gt-d =  Noto~Sans~CJK~JP~Regular,
    gt-bx = Noto~Sans~CJK~JP~Bold,
    gt-u =  Noto~Sans~CJK~JP~Medium,
    gt-eb = Noto~Sans~CJK~JP~Black,
    mg-m =  Noto~Sans~CJK~JP~Black,
    mc-l =  Noto~Serif~CJK~JP~Light,
    __custom = false, __office = false, __noembed = false,

Thus it fails if the font is not installed.

I haven't seen the uplatex version of your document, but I guess you
load the fonts with the otf package. There the fonts are only necessary
when calling dvipdfmx, and thus only the actually needed fonts are

> This seems a feature or a bug in TeXLive 2019 upstream, which should not have
> been filed in BTS. So I close this issue.

I think this is neither a feature nor a bug, it is just that the two
systems work differently.

You can ask the luatexja maintainers to implement on-demand loading of
fonts, but I am not sure how feasible this is.

All the best


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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