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Re: trigger question for texinfo/install-info

On Mo, 16 Mär 2009, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > understand the working of dh_installtex. The manpage is quite extensive,
> > I am not sure if that is enough for a starting.
> I don't have time to do this now but I'll try to take a look at it.
> If I don't get back to you, please remind me :-).

Yes it is complicated. I thing dh_installtex is a very complicated beast
due to the many options and things one can do. 

> > > Also, have you read the section in triggers.txt about error handling ?
> > 
> > Yes I have, but probably not implemented. Do you have anything special
> > in mind?
> No, not really.  I noticed some error handling code in your postinst
> and wondered whether it got all of the cases right etc.  Error

I think before switching to triggers it was fine, most of the checking
code was tested often (and it tooks many interations to get it right
under all circumstances).

Now with triggers it is a bit different. The one thing I have already
chanced with 1.16 upload is that mktexlsr had to be called before doing
the trigger action.

The problem was that on a new installation the trigger was evaluated
BEFORE the package itself was configured. So if a package installed new
map files, and there is no mktexlsr call, the updmap-sys call broke in
the trigger action, because the mktexlsr call only came in the postinst
of the package shipping the map file, not in tex-commons postinst.

Now in fact we have one more invocation of mktexlsr than before. One
from the tex-common trigger action, and then for each package installing
stuff into texmf trees.

I am not sure if I want to remove the second mktexlsr call, just to be
sure. The reason for keeping is redundancy and being sure. ANd that
after the first call the file LISTS are normally in the hard disk cache
so the second run of mktexlsr is really fast.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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