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Frank Küster a écrit :
> Bonjour Gilles,
> are you the author of the bbm TeX fonts?
Yes I am.
> If yes, I would like to ask
> you for a clarification regarding their license.
> Neither the font files nor the readme file contains an explicit license
> statement. In the old days, it has mostly just been assumed that any
> upload to CTAN is "free", but that is actually not the case, and today
> we need to be more careful about that.
Yes that is what I assume : free use and modification of all files (the
driver files for LaTeX2e are not my work anyway).
> In order to be happily included in TeXLive or MikTeX, today the the most
> popular TeX distributions, we would need an explicit license statement
> which allows to use the fonts freely (even in a commercial environment),
> to distribute them and to create and distribute modified derivatives.
I do not intend to do any more work on these fonts (and there are some
bugs particularly with bbmtt) so feel free to add any licensing
information concerning these.
> We would be glad to hear from you and be able to clarify this.
If you need any more clarification, you're welcome.
Gilles Robert
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