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Re: doc fixes (sed script)

Frank Küster <frank@kuesterei.ch> wrote:

> I wanted to set up a permanent sid chroot with teTeX, anyway, in order
> to be able to properly deal with bug reports.  I understand that Osamu
> didn't want to make that change to such a complicated infrastructure
> package late in the release cycle.

Well, we may need something in experimental...

> I fear I was faster ;-)

Yes, that's because I checked for false negatives, and they are not so
easy to fix.

Basically, I think we should replace every TeX, pdfTeX, etc. string that
is surrounded by non-word-constituent characters and that is not in the
argument of a \file command... well, except for:

  \$Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml

which I fear we cannot manage to get in a <file> tag.

AFAIS, the false negatives we currently have are:

  ConTeXt (simply needs to be entered in the regexp)
  teTeX (should be typeset as te\TeX? If so, same thing)
  (TeX add-on packages)
  In contrast to the above\textemdash{}TeX reading... (and a similar one)
  \section{\textquotedblleft{}TeX capacity
  TeX's registers

all these should be fixed with the algorithm described above, but I
wouldn't know how to implement it in sed. Python, mmyes. sed, no...


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