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Re: texlive 2007 - the work starts ...

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

>> ERROR double-inclusion bin-vlna bin-tie bin-metapost bin-ps2pkm bin-kpathsea bin-metafont bin-etex bin-ctie bin-pdftools bin-omega bin-xdvi bin-tex4htk bin-web bin-pstools bin-ttf2pt1 bin-dtl bin-xmltex bin-csplain bin-fontware bin-thumbpdf bin-mfware bin-detex bin-context bin-latex bin-dvipsk bin-devnag bin-mex bin-cweb bin-jadetex bin-bibtex bin-texsis bin-gsftopk bin-bibtex8 bin-dvipdfm bin-cslatex bin-pdftex bin-texconfig bin-cyrillic bin-phyzzx bin-amstex bin-mltex bin-platex bin-seetexk bin-dialog bin-physe bin-tetex bin-cjkutils bin-t1utils bin-dviljk bin-makeindex bin-texware bin-tex bin-dvidvi
> This is the default check that no stuff is included two times. Since
> these are all the bin-* packages it seems fishy, Can you call
> 	./tpm2deb-source.pl --datadump=tpm2007.data.sarge dump-tpm
> and search for one of the above, say bin-dvipsk, and in which collection
> it is included ...

After moving the check_consistency after the dump commands:  It's
listed in collection-binaries and collection-basicbin.  I have already
uncommented the line that blacklists collection-binaries, is that

After that, eplain is still listed as not-covered, although I've updated
my TeXlive checkout, and bin-eplain is in collection-formatsextra.

Regards, Frank

Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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