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Re: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist


Mike Bird <mgb-debian@yosemite.net> wrote:

> I just updated the Etch system that has the new context package installed.
> When updating lmodern it warned twice that /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
> does not exist.

I think this problem is fixed in unstable, because I didn't see it there
when preparing the last packages.

> Setting up lmodern (1.00-3) ...
> warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist or is not a directory
> warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist or is not a directory

The lmodern package doesn't ship anything in these directories. This
warning is most probably generated by this snippet at the beginning of

| # Automatically added by dh_installxfonts
| if which update-fonts-dir >/dev/null 2>&1; then
|         update-fonts-scale Type1;update-fonts-dir --x11r7-layout Type1
| fi
| # End automatically added section

If you want to be 100 % sure, simply replace the 'set -e' line at the
top of that file with 'set -ex' and reconfigure lmodern (e.g., with
'dpkg-reconfigure lmodern').

My guess is that upgrading X to the version in unstable would probably
make the warning disappear...


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