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Re: Fixes to tetex-texmf and tetex-texmfsrc

Thomas Esser <te@dbs.uni-hannover.de> wrote:

> Somehow, a very old posting has made it's way through the TeX Live list.

Oh, I didn't notice that it was *so* much delayed.

>> Should we forward them to you?
> Yes, please send them along. My current stuff is available on tug.org,
> so if I can fix this now, maybe, someone else will pick up my work
> from there.

Okay, here we go along.

- Here's a list of files I found in tetex-texmfsrc that I think should
  be in tetex-texmf:


  There may be more, I'm currently verifying licenses on a nearly
  per-file basis, and completely reworking our packaging, so I might
  find more soon.

- bibtex/bib/ams/amsxport-options.bib is buggy and obsolete, it's no
  longer in the amslatex distribution and can be removed from
  tetex-texmf (see http://bugs.debian.org/361562)

- in tetex-texmfsrc, all the amslatex stuff is included twice - once in
  source/latex/{amscls,amsmath,amsrefs}, once in
  source/latex/amslatex/{classes,math,amsrefs}. There are some
  differences (in the amslatex subdirectories, the documentation and the
  sty and cls files produced from dtx are included, and maybe more).

That's what I found so far.

Thanks for your work,
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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