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Trying to build texlive from svn: Strange Perl problems

Hallo Norbert,

I'm trying to build texlive from the svn checkout, but it doesn't work
at all.  And I'm experiencing a strange Perl problem, so strange that I
don't see any way to debug this.  This is the output I get:

frank@riesling:$ make sources MASTER=LocalTPM 2>/dev/null
perl tpm2deb.pl make-deb-source --oldsource=/home/frank/src/Packages/texlive/texlive/src --master=LocalTPM all \
		2>&1 | tee texlive.sourcebuild.log
ready option parsing
You are not allowed to generate a new source for revisions greater than 1!
Please specify the the location of the old sources with --oldsource=location
make-deb-source all
calling main
entering main
Start loading config file ...
 ... done
loading tpm data from dump ...
 ... done
Building data hash ...
 ... done
Checking consistency ... 
 ... tpm files and config file are consistent, good!
Working on all, arch=all
PACKAGE=texlive-bin ARCH=any VERSION=2005 REVISION=3
Generating new orig.tar.gz and source package!
mkdir -p pool
mv *.dsc *.diff.gz *.orig.tar.gz pool

You can see that I added a couple of `print "<something>\n";'
statements.  Particularly interesting are the two that surround the
error message:

ready option parsing
You are not allowed to generate a new source for revisions greater than 1!
Please specify the the location of the old sources with --oldsource=location

This is the code:

print "ready option parsing\n"; 
if (!($opt_master =~ m,/.*$,,)) {
    $Master = `pwd`;
    $Master .= "/$opt_master";
} else {
    $Master = $opt_master;
print "zwei\n"; 

I really don't grok how it can print the error message before getting to
"zwei".  I tried to call the script with "debugperl -Dtls" - be careful,
it writes a *huge* log file, like 700MB until I stopped it... - I added
"exit 0;" just before the call to main - but then it didn't print the
error message.

So what is happening, or just how can I get the dsc and diff.gz files?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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