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Re: Bug#264394: tetex-bin: e-TeX is broken on registers > 255

Benjamin BAYART <bayartb@edgard.fdn.fr> writes:

> Here is a minimal example (amsmath is required to show the bug):
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \begin{document}
> \makeatletter
> \dimendef\z@=263\relax
> \z@=0pt\relax
> \[aa\]
> \show\z@
> \end{document}

I'm not sure why you'd want to change \z@, but...

If you add the following to the preamble (it's the definition from
amsmeth.sty except for the added \show\z@'s) you can see that \z@
changes definition when the closing `$$' is executed. 

  \ifmmode \else \@badmath \fi
\show\z@ % \z@ is still \dimen263
\show\z@ % \z@ is now \count652
  \global\let\df@label\@empty \global\let\df@tag\@empty
  \global\tag@false \global\let\alt@tag\@empty

(Just saying


$$ a $$

produces no error, so the bug is somewhat complicated...)

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