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Re: tetex installation errors

Alberto Corbi Bellot <alberto_corbi@terra.es> wrote:

>> What's the output of
>> kpsewhich --expand-var '$pool_size'
> $ kpsewhich --expand-var '$pool_size'
> 250000
> es tut mir Leid dass ich so spät geschrieben habe... ich war nicht zu
> Hause..

No problem that you took your time. But what is a problem is that you
send mails only to me, instead of to the list. I don't archive mails
that relate to debian-tetex, because I rely on the list archive, and I
do no longer have your old mails except the first which went to the
list. Therefore this answer is somewhat speculative.

The value that you get for pool_size is not the value coded in our
package, i.e. in /etc/texmf/texmf.d/95NonPath.cnf, and thus in
/etc/texmf.cnf if it is generated correctly: It should be 1250000 (one
million more), and if I remember correctly that is also what you had in

Thus, it seems as if there was an other texmf.cnf around. Have you yet
answered whether "locate texmf.cnf" gives any output besides

An alternative would be that pool_size is set in your environment,
what's the output of

env | grep pool

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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