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Bug#143147: dvips uses type 3 fonts by default

Jason White <jasonjgw@pacific.net.au> schrieb:

> I was going to report this as a bug myself. Tetex-base still uses type
> 3 fonts by default as of tetex-base 2.0.2-5.1.

Thank you for reminding us of this bug - it's not good to not react on a
bug report for such a long time.

One reason might be that the Debian tetex maintainers aren't very good
with regard to font handling. As far as I understood, dvips does use
type1 fonts as soon as they are installed and made known to it. In tetex
2.0, this is done by a different mechanism than in tetex-1.0.2, to which
the original bug report refers.

Could you please provide a minimal example document that uses type3
fonts on your system? 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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